Hi, I’m Harris, callsign NN0Y. This is about the third time I’ve started a blog. This time the blog will be dedicated to projects, mostly ham radio and other electronics. I’ll add more info to this section as time goes on, but you already know my name and there are links to two other ham radio websites with my account info in the sidebar. I won’t brag about any of my credentials here, I hope that the quality of my projects will speak for themselves.

I don’t have comments enabled for any of my posts (this is a static website). If you want to get in touch with me you can email me at ( h a r r i s @ n n 0 y . c o m ) without the parentheses or spaces. If I get too much spam I’ll have to delete that email, but for now assume that you can email me and a real person (me) will read it. And if you do email me, let me know that you found me through this blog!